being empowered about your numbers makes you a better business owner. full stop

Every client, no matter their size, benefits from monthly meetings at Full Stop, which we have purposefully designed to give you just the right amount of insights for that month. Whether it’s a ‘comfort blanket’ that all is continuing as planned or permission to ‘pull your socks up’ and make next month that much better.

We are renowned in our industry for our innovative approach to continuing to find a better way for our clients, giving you all the insights you need in the least amount of time possible.

This isn’t something you usually get unless you have an internal finance department but having been there - both running finance departments and business owners ourselves - we know all too well the advantages of being up-to-date. Whether you need to pivot on that last business decision or decide if you’ve got enough saved for your next personal tax payment. Knowledge is power.

You will be assigned one of our dedicated team who will take the time to get to know you, your business and your personal ambitions.

We are kind, personable and slightly off-the-wall (all business mavericks are, right?!) but very committed to finance, and the knowledge that it’s fundamental to a business’ success. We’re here to help you get the best out of the opportunity.

You appreciate the importance of the right foundations and the right partnerships.

You want to make the numbers work for you and better your understanding - and together we’ll make that happen.

why us?

Unprecedented insights

Regular updates to give you unprecedented insights for an external accountancy service

A personal approach

A dedicated team providing a central point of contact to each client but knowledge of you and your business stretches throughout Full Stop.

Sustainable and innovative

Checking that the insights are still in line with the business plans and that the business has the resources to make it happen.

taking care of business

What can we say, we love numbers, and as accountants you would expect us to! At Full Stop we ensure this is done in an accurate and meaningful way, utilising systems and human insight to align all areas of finance for a thriving business.

+ Year end accounts
+ Monthly update
+ Cash flow forecasting

taking care of you

We take a keen interest in all of our client’s holistic needs, so as well as thinking about your personal tax, we’ll help you work out your personal financial goals, too. Accurate accounting in business helps you know when you can buy that holiday home you’ve been eyeing on Rightmove, how you can best save to help your child’s future or whether there’s a better way to put that next business idea into action. For us, business is personal.

+ Personal tax planning
+ Financial planning
+ Regular updates

book a discovery session

Discover how full stop can transform your relationship with your numbers and bring more insight to your accounts.

Let’s start by getting to know each other.